Roadtrip 2018 Fall: Vancouver - Yakima - Bend - Carson City - Lone Pine - Palm Desert - Sedona - Palm Desert - Paso Robles - Calistoga - Brookings - Yachats - Cannon Beach - Vancouver

Day 8 - Lone Pine to Palm Desert

An interesting billboard in Lone Pine Ca, population 2035. We tried to find the original source for the quote - but it's not at all clear by online search.

Russ scores the all important morning cup'a's.

It's a Lone Pine morning.

The finer points of the road trip pit stop are still being negotiated. There are many dangers and annoyances out in the bush.

A bemused fish watches the goings on from roadside Johannesburg. Really.

Fixin'traffic chaos at Kraemer Junction, east of Boron.

Nuthin' much seems to change in Barstow.

Although the town is clearly split on upcoming election issues.

Our coffee stop of record in Palm Springs: Koffi.

Rockin' and reclinin' at the Pickford Theatre in Palm Springs. The D Box motion seats could be just purely annoying.


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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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